What is on the agenda for the future?

Discussing the Agenda for Nordic BIM Summit 2024 and beyond

To form the agenda for Nordic BIM Summit we reached out to some of the experts in the industry, more specifically some of our customers in Sweden, Norway and Finland. These discussions has helped us form the Nordic BIM Summit agenda for 2024. Read on to learn more about what was discussed and to get a sneak peek on this year´s topics.

Discussing the Agenda for Nordic BIM Summit 2024 and beyond

What are the industry issues of today and can we find a solution? What challenges are we facing and how do we tackle them? What do you as industry leaders & influencers wish to learn more about? These questions and more laid the foundation for the discussions taking place among industry colleagues across the Nordic.

Change, circularity, and sustainability were all topics that came up during these talks. The challenges are universal, and crucial to solve to not only help boost our industry but also reduce the climate footprint. What are the future business models for our industry, and how can this be done in a way that is socially and environmentally responsible?

Data management and knowledge retention

Another issue that was touched upon was the question of data management. Standardization of data and design information is not always compatible even within the same company, let alone with other operators. Finding ways to align data management across phases of a project is something the industry will have to keep looking into.

Retaining and cultivating knowledge and competence was also something that came up. How do we learn from a project, and how do we bring those learnings into the next project? Because does it really matter if we have a successful sustainable pilot project if we must keep reinventing the wheel?

And of course, for 2024 what is and will be the impact of AI? Will it completely change the way we work or is the lever for BIM that will take the models to the next level? Will AI contribute to change our business models to become more value driven?

What are you curious about?

During our discussions we could see a wish to address both high-level industry challenges as well as to hear from real projects, how these have been solved, and what can be learned. What topics do you believe are key for Nordic BIM Summit 2024?

Nordic BIM Summit 2024

Are you ready for Nordic BIM Summit 2024? Head over to the NBS pages to read more about the latest news and register to the event. We´ll see you in Oslo, Stockholm or Online!

Take me to Nordic BIM Summit 2024

Annika Svensson

Annika Svensson

Sweden Director Marketing & Communication AEC Nordic, Symetri
Jasmine Larson

Jasmine Larson

Project Manager

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